Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!

I would love to jump up and down like Linda, but some of us are not feeling up to it. Our new year has started with the parents being quite ill. Today Melissa actually went into Urgent Care to get checked out. Apparently she has a pretty bad sinus infection causing this real nasty cough. I bet this is why my head is stuffed, yet I do not have the cough any longer.

Where did it come from? LINDA! Our little gem was sick over the holidays. She finally broke her fever on Christmas day. After about two months of coughing, she came down with a bug that lasted about a week. Sure enough a week later I am feeling pretty bad. A couple of days later, Mel.

Even though we are hit with this nasty stuff, it was awesome to see my Dad and Ellen during Thanksgiving, and then to see Bubbe and Zedie (Mel's Mom and Bill), for New Years. We greatly appreciated the visits. Of course, I was stuck working except for the actual holidays themselves.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great year and we continue to watch our wonderful child grow and become a beautiful young lady that she is.