Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mommy Lessons

Linda is feeling much better now. She is almost her old self. We have been keeping a low profile this week. At the beginning of the week it was easy because Linda was very mellow. We would read books and watch Baby Einstein DVDs and Sesame Street. Of course as the week goes on and Linda is feeling better we have to get creative and play with lots of toys. Then she's getting cabin fever (like myself) and grabs her jacket and heads straight for the front door and points. So we do quick trips.

Today when Bill came home I took a quick exercise walk. On my walk I bumped into a neighbor with two little kids. I told her about Linda's bronchiolitis. She just kinda rolled her eyes and said that's a bummer. Then she goes on to says something like a couple of weeks ago her son got the flu and then a little while later her daughter got it. She just wish that the kids got the flu at the same time.

Okay, here I am practically in tears because Linda was feeling miserable. I was all concerned about her breathing and drinking enough fluids. The neighbor just wished her kids get sick at the same time.

Wow it just reminds me of that line in the movie Parenthood where the one mother says with her first child they really watch him closely. By the third child we were letting them juggle knives.

I guess I'll still be practically in tears when Linda is feeling miserable for a little while (18 years).

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Chicken Broth for the Sick

Well we are dealing with Linda's first childhood illness. Linda came down with a runny nose and cough on Friday. Like usual she was her wonderful self. Still bright and smiley and full of energy... just with a runny nose and cough. Saturday was pretty much the same. But Sunday morning her breathing just didn't seem right to me. It was kind of loud and shallow.

So we called the doctor and went in for a 11am appointment. Yes on a Sunday (we love our doctor's office). The doc took one listen to her lungs and said we made a good choice coming in today. She was wheezing. She has bronchiolitist... ugh!!!! So the doc sent us home with some prescriptions and told us to give her plenty of liquids.

It's interesting to see how mother's intuition kicks in. Even though Linda just had a runny nose and cough, no fever and still had energy to play, I just didn't feel that her breathing was quite right. I hate the situation but I'm glad to see I actually have the knack for being a mom.

We are hoping for a peaceful night. Bill is just getting over a sinus thing. My sinuses are clogged up. And, the last couple of nights have been horrible for Linda. I've got to tell you Bill was a trooper last night. It was the worst for Linda. She could not get comfortable. Bill was there to calm her down while I tried to unclogged my sinuses and get some sleep.

One thing I have learned is that if you need a good liquid for your kid to drink/eat, chicken broth works great. I think between the first dose of medication and the broth, it gave Linda a good sneeze that was a real mess. But she was breathing better after that.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Linda Flying

Linda is really getting into her Tigger plane. We took it outside on Saturday and let her ride in the driveway. It is one of those push toys. Linda's legs are just long enough for her to move it. Since we have a slight slope in the driveway we discovered that Linda likes to move forward towards the garage and then roll backwards to be caught by one of us.

We did have an incident where she went forward into the lawn and do a tumble. It was quite entertaining as she went forward and over. Like a trouper, she was having so much fun she forgot to cry and got right back on for some more fun.