Monday, October 13, 2008

Adoption Family Reunion 2008

The weekend is done and we had such a blast! There is so much to talk about that I do not even know where to begin! I'll give a brief run-down and mention now that tons of pictures are on the way!
Friday was a day at the beach and dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory.
Saturday was a day at Legoland and dinner/BBQ at our co-host's house.
Sunday was a day of rest and most families had to leave.
Monday was a day at Seaworld with the last couple of families.

All in all it was a great success. To see all the children growing up and to know that we, as families, share something in common and fee that we should stay in touch is wonderful. Thank you to all that participated and to those who could not, we still think of you.

Pictures to come! I have much processing to do. Stay tuned.