Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wholly C* Batman, We Haven't Posted!!!!

Yes, I know and Mel knows, we have not posted in quite some time. Thanks for the reminders, folks. We have been so busy "parenting" that we forget or are too tired to post. Go figure, everyone else seems to have no problem having a camera about and ready to post. Hmmm? I wonder if they keep their computers/laptops handy for all occasions? Me, I get tired of staring at a computer to really do much more than check emails and some news. I better get with the show!

Pictures are to come, but here is the latest. Our little darling is growing up so fast! We are doing the TT (Toilet Training) or whatever you want to call it. It has been 85% successful. Linda is quite a strong-headed little girl and does very well with a little mishap here and there. Otherwise, we've had people tell us she is doing fine. Mel? Well, we won't get into that.

We made our first cross-country trip a couple of weeks ago to Maryland! We visited for the first time Linda's Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Jon, and nephew Jonathan. Linda had a blast! The flight was a nonstop on Southwest. We had no issues. Linda got her own seat and we bought one of those safety harnesses. The first time we used it she began to do a little crying until we showed her that mommy and daddy had to wear their belts, too. We had toys and games. Books. Linda loved the white board and markers (dry erase). She is such a good traveler I wonder if she instinctively knows she flew half-way around the world at a very young age!

Baltimore was beautiful. I know we took our chances doing an August trip, but the weather cooperated all week. Linda enjoyed the National Aquarium and walk around the Inner Harbor. The house had a swing set that she loved. Uncle Jon bought a pool so we could have a dip which we managed to squeeze in one day. Oh, and the fire flies! Linda was amazed. We caught a couple and put them in a bug box. She looked at them with wonder. Birds. Deer. Wood chucks! One morning we were sitting in the sun room playing as we just got up. I had to take a nature break. I walked back Linda was squeaking with excitement. She spotted a baby deer and a mommy deer! Excited and proud, she stared at them and we watched until they trotted off into another yard. How fun.

Linda really enjoyed her and aunt and uncle and I hope we get a chance to visit again soon. It's a shame it is such a hassle to travel and the expense. It was worth it, though.

More later! And did I mention, pictures, too?

PS- Did I mention how difficult it is to take pictures of Linda? As soon as she sees the camera she runs behind it and yell, "I want to see!" "There's nothing to see, I haven't taken a picture yet!" She's funny. I think she will get a cool present for her birthday this year. Wink wink.